Recommended Reading

The perfect accompaniment to pass the time on your sober adventure!

Reading “Quit Lit” (defined as a: self-help genre designed to help people give up alcohol or reduce their alcohol intake) has been Inspirational and the science behind drinking has been an invaluable tool on my Sober Adventure. Listed below are a few of my favourite reads, I hope you find them as helpful as I have.

You will find some titles that do not directly refer to alcohol, however they have also played a huge part on my adventure and beyond.

I have always been aware of the influence the Moon had on me, particularly the Full Moon. Or so I thought, little did I know that I had been using alcohol to numb out the affects of the Moon. These became even more apparent once I had Outed the Alcohol. Not only was it the Full Moon but the New Moon and a whole array of other Moon cycles and Planetary activity.

This book by Yasmin Boland, the Oracle Cards have been a fantastic part of my Sober Toolkit. For next year I feel even more prepared and ready to harness the power of the moon, with her fantastic Moonology Diary for 2021.

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